Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts-1Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts-1Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts-1Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts-1

Massachusetts Historical Commission

MACRIS: Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System

MACRIS Terms and Disclaimer

Information available on historic properties through this search system is derived from the Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System (MACRIS).

MACRIS data is compiled from a variety of records and files maintained by the Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC), including but not limited to, the Inventory of Historic Assets of the Commonwealth, National Register of Historic Places nominations, State Register of Historic Places listings, and local historic district study reports.

The MACRIS database is highly dynamic; new information is added daily. Information from MACRIS used by this search system is also updated daily. Digital inventory form files, National Register nominations, and photographs are uploaded periodically. Users should be aware that there may be a considerable lag time from the time of receipt of new or updated records by MHC to the appearance of related information in this database.

This search system includes no information on archaeological sites.

Records in MHC files and therefore in the MACRIS database include inventoried areas and designated districts for which complete listings of the street addresses of included properties are not presently available. The absence of a record for a specific street address therefore is no indicator of whether or not a property is included in an area or district on file with the MHC. Moreover, street addresses reflect those used at the time information was submitted to the MHC, and may not reflect subsequent street re-numbering. Users are encouraged to also consult the MHC's public GIS website, MACRIS Maps, at ( Users seeking specific location related information should consult directly the records, files and maps available in MHC's public research area at its offices at the State Archives Building, 220 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, open M-F, 9-5.

As noted, this search system includes only information derived from MHC files. Many additional Massachusetts historic properties exist, for which information is not presently on file in the MHC records used to compile the MACRIS database. Data in the MACRIS files is transcribed, interpreted or classified from information in MHC files. MHC does not guarantee the accuracy of the source material, or of the MACRIS data as it appears through this search system.

Data available here is for information purposes only. The act of checking this database does not substitute for compliance with applicable local, state, or federal laws and regulations. If you are representing a developer and/or a proposed project that will require a permit, license, or funding from any state or federal agency, you must submit a completed project notification form (PNF) by mail or delivery to the MHC for the MHC's review and comment (email submittals are not accepted). You may obtain a copy of a PNF, view instructions for completing the PNF, and review FAQs regarding MHC review at the MHC website ( under the subject heading "Review and Compliance FAQ".

Last Update: 5/26/2021

I acknowledge that I have read and understand the limits and appropriate uses of MACRIS and the information available through the use of MACRIS.